2019 Indigenous Environmental Exchange in Guatemala
Indian Resource Development (IRD) Program - Delegation 2019
In spring of 2019, the NMSU Indian Resource and Development Program collaborated with Guatemala-based organization, Network in Solidarity of the People of Guatemala (NISGUA), to foster a collection of experiences in environmental leadership and cultural exchange that would be accessible to indigenous youth at the university. The ten selected NMSU students learned from Indigenous environmental leaders and further developed not only their burgeoning leadership skills, but of the connections that cultures share when a people's well-being are altogether tethered to the well-being of the earth around us.
Aggies Go Global shared the opportunity to help fund the delegation's eight-day travels through beautiful Guatemala.
For more information, visit the NISGUA webpage.
- NMSU IRD Website
For more information on programs, resources, and news from the IRD, please follow the link above.

Chixoy before departing for Guatemala City